Christmas Traditions

 One of my favorite memories growing up was when my mom would read our favorite Christmas stories all snuggled on the couch as we sipped hot chocolate. I hope you will start that tradition with your children. Teachers! You can even do it in your classroom, each morning before the hustle and bustle starts, share one of these stories. #newtraditionsareamust! Maybe even provide hot chocolate for 2 lucky boys and girls (hint hint, there might be a fun activity posted in my store later this week).
On the second day of Ramona Recommends she brings to you another wonderful Christmas book to brighten your bookshelves.
I love history! When I saw this book at the Scholastic Warehouse last summer, I knew I had to purchase her. What is one candy that most people eat during Christmas? You guess it! The Candy Cane (sorry, I have no prizes, maybe next time). This sweet historical fiction masterpiece lyrically writes the tale behind the candy cane. I know in my house it is a tradition to have at least 3 candy canes a day! It is a story that needs to be shared, why don’t you pick up a copy and continue telling the legend that started so long ago. 
TEACHERS! Be on the look out for an activity to use with this story (hint-connections).

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