If you can read this, thank a teacher.

I will warn you now that kleenex might be needed for this edition of Ramona Recommends. Before I start, I want you to think of that one teacher that made you smile because she/he believed in you. What made that teacher so special that after all these years you still remember sitting in his or her class? Was it because they made up feel sad when you didn’t understand a math problem or was it because they made you feel empowered and brave, like you could take on the world.

On the third day of Ramona Recommends she brought 
I do not think there are enough adjectives in the thesaurus to give the credit this book deserves. BUT! I am going to try. Patricia Polacco’s Thank You, Mr. Falker is a heart warming tale of a dyslexic elementary aged student who is shunned by most of her classmates and some teachers.  She is at a loss and deems herself stupid. The rain keeps pouring until one when day Mr. Falker arrives. He is the type of teacher that doesn’t just label students, but digs deep until into their soul to find what makes them tick. Mr. Falker proves to the main character she is more than just a stupid kid, but a bright and talented young lady. This story tugs on many of my hearts because of my journey growing up as a resource kid. Use this book as a reminder to kids that we all have challenges and its how you deal with them that makes you smarter. Teachers! Lets band together and promise to give hope to all of our students, even the ones who push us away. Be the light that will guide them and show them the way. Be the teacher they remember who opened his or her heart. Thank you to Mrs. Gigurere and my mom for being the teachers that never gave up on me. As I look at my masters in reading diploma I smile and silently say, “Thank you!”.

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  • Welcome to blogging, Courtney! I look forward to reading your future posts 🙂
    I love Thank You, Mr. Falker. I must say thank you to Mrs. Rosenbaum, my high school English teacher. She was the first one to tell me that I have "voice," at a time when I didn't think I had anything much to offer.
    (BTW: Your TpT store looks great too!)
    Enjoy the ride!

  • Hi Darlene!
    Thank you so much for stopping by! I love books, so this was the perfect way for me to share my passion. TpT is super fun, I'm a newbie on there so still trying to learn all the ropes. Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  • I L.O.V.E. LOVE this book!!! I got to meet Patricia Polacco a few years ago when I worked for a bookstore. I was stumbling over my words to tell her how much I love her books! I'm thankful that I got to talk with her and get her signature on my books. What a beautiful story! I love reading this to my students!


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