Nelson Mandela. A man who spoke with a good heart, always. My quip today will be short. Be a good person.
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The picture on the cover speaks volumes. There is no need for a title. This picture speaks for itself. Nelson Mandela was a man of peace and held high standards for everyone. Mr. Mandela lead an incredible life. This picture book details Nelson Mandela’s life. It captures his journey from a little boy to a victorious leader. Read this book to your class. Introduce them to a man of simple ways who had a heart of gold.
LESSON ALERT- Read Nelson Mandela and lead your class in a thoughtful rich discussion of human rights. Have students research about his life and then write a biography about Mr. Mandela. I was also thinking students could compare and contrast Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.
In the words of NM,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
One Comment
Such a great quote from such a great man! Thank you for sharing the idea of comparing Nelson MAndela and Martin Luther King Jr. I think that would be a lot of fun to do.