Random Act of Kindness

When is the last time you sat down and thought about other people? We live in such a fast paced “ME” society. I think a lot of us forget to look around and see the world. I have also jumped on the RAK train. I am pretty much obsessed with the whole vision. Since most of you reading this, do not know me, let me let you in on a little secret. Since 1984, I have loved to make people happy!   Yes, I just told you my age. 🙂 My whole life, I have always had the, “how can I make others feel great?” personality. It’s who I am. I love it! When I heard about the Random Act of Kindness vision, it made me smile. What made me smile even more is the thought of bringing it into our schools. Teaching this generation about giving and not receiving is a must. We have too many kids with Iphones, Ipads, and every toy possible. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great that we are embracing the 21st century technology trend. BUT! I think people of today need to be little less “self” and more “just do it because”. #meincludedsomedays:)

On the 11th day of Ramona Recommends, she brings you Kindness.

Oh! This book screams RAK from 10000 feet away. This book shares the secret behind giving. What does it feel like to give something with nothing in return? This book has simple words but sends a deep message. Read this book with your students. Create a safe place for the students to listen and be taught through poetry the magic of giving. Jump on the RAK vision, and “RAK” your classroom. For your convenience, I have uploaded a RAK classroom bundle to go with The Giving Tree. Click here to enjoy! 

Ramona Recommends RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS Photos
My 18th month old nephew, Jayden, brings me so much joy. Today, without even knowing he sent me a R.A.K. When he smiles or breathes, it makes my heart so happy. Take a look at his Random Act of Kindness:

Don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway!!!

May you always find peace in giving towards others.

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