I love the New Year. HELLO 2014. Even though it is 10:56 in California. It is still Tuesday. So, I am right on schedule. #not Instead of giving you a million reasons why my post is so late, I will just give you me my post. 🙂
When I think of the word NEW, many ideas run through my head. New shoes, new year, new beginning, new clothes. Every time we see a new flower it had to begin with a seed. right? Today, Ramona Recommends, recommends a wonderful series of books written by author Camilla de le Bedoyere. Camilla has written over 250 children’s literature books. When I was at Barnes N’ Noble over the winter break, I ran into a huge table with books for 5.98. As I browsed the table, I noticed there were a few life cycles books on the table. Remember the word NEW! A life cycle definitely has an element of new to it, don’t you think? I just knew I NEEDED to have those books.That morning, I had just started working on my New Year’s Choice Board product for TpT, which includes a life cycle page.
Each book has a table of contents, pictures with captions, bold words, wonderful explanations in text and in the glossary. The author does a wonderful job explaining the life cycle of each flower and/or animal. I just checked on Amazon and she has many wonderful non-fiction books. Hint Hint- I see a non-fiction post coming soon to a blog near you! Enjoy!
Click HERE to see where you can find my New Year’s Printable Activities. Inside you will find a printable for students to create a diagram of a life cycle that is important to them.