and the Newbery Medal goes to….

Yes, I get super excited when I learn about new books. It is almost like the feeling when you wake up the morning of your birthday. I still get super excited when it is my birthday. If you know me in real life, you are totally nodding your head right now. đŸ™‚ On Monday, the American Library Association announced the 2013 Newbery Medal winner at its convention in Philadelphia. The winner is Flora and Ulysees. Have you read this book? Since it came out in September, im sure most of you have not. Well, get to your nearest bookstore or amazon shopping cart and cha-ching! It is so cute. It is about a 10 year old who can’t imagine her life without comic books. You might also learn about a flying squirrel who is the next Langston Hughes. I suggest this novel for upper elementary. The reason I do not go into to much detail about the plot and such is well because I like readers to create their own “summary”. That is what I love about books we can all learn something new. Anywho…sorry for the birdwalk. Do your students love quirky, silly, light-hearted books? If so, this one is for them! This one is  for surezzzz going on my read-aloud list.

Do you have a read-aloud list? As you might know, I LOVE books. There are so many I want to share with my students or kids I tutor. The list goes on for days. Now, I have a pretty incredible memory, but sometimes I cant think of that one book I want to read.  Problem Solved- I have started a Read-Aloud list. Everytime, I hear of a book that would excite kids I add it to my list. I create a new list each year. As we all know children have different strengths and interests so a new list each year is the way to go. Before a book can be added to my list there are a few prerequisites.
1. I have to read it before it can be added to list
2. My students must not know a lot about the book. (I like sharing new books)
3. Grade/age appropriate
3a. Shares common interests- Student can relate to topic.
4. We can create wonderful engaging book conservations

Thank you reading. Please grab my copy of “Read-Aloud List”. Click here or on the picture for your free copy. Post on instagram when you have started listing your wishes and tag @ramonarecommends

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What is your favorite read aloud? Share below in comments. I love learning about new chapter books and pictures books.

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  • Courtney,
    I can't say enough. I love your blog, and think that what you have to share on it is fabulous. I just read through your "recommendation" here. This new book sounds wonderful! I will definitely have to take a look at it. Also, I love your freebie! You have made that look so cute, and very fun! It could be used for just about anyone that has a goal of reading some fantastic books. Thank you for linking up with me at Just for the Teacher Tuesday. I hope you will come back next week, and share some more of your amazing recommendations and some of your products from your TpT shop. Thanks again!


  • This is such a wonderful idea! I'm all about lists in my classroom but it never occurred to me to have a list of books! One book I discovered this year that I enjoyed is The Boy Who Was Raised By Librarians. I can't think of the author right now but it's a very sweet story. I also like The Library- it's about a girl who LOVES books- I could totally relate to her. I used it at the beginning of the school year to get the kids excited about reading and to teach them a little about me and MY love of reading. Thanks for the great organizational idea!


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