Winter Olympics

Hello! Happy Tuesday! I am super happy that I am actually getting this post out before 10 on Tuesday evening. #happydanceishappeningrightnow. I am just going to skip right over the Super Bowl events because well that was just sad. I waited all season for the Super Bowl. My wish came true and then it fizzled reallllll quick. Guess what, I am still a TRUE Bronco fan. Try again next year.

The Winter Olympics are just are just around the corner!!!! WOOT WOOT! There is something so magical about the Olympics. I feel so honored to watch and cheer on my fellow American athletes. I almost feel that I become their friends during the televised events. I get pumped when the hard working American athletes compete. I cheer from my seat, and I get super teary eyed during the National Anthem. Lets face it- I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

There is a reason for today’s book choice. Well actually there are several reasons. Last week during RTI, my groups and I worked on author’s viewpoint. I created a fun and engaging lesson surrounded around the Winter Olympics. You can check it out here. The students worked together to create their own viewpoint about different Winter Olympic events and then commented on each other’s opinion. The overall lesson was fantastic and students went away with some tools to use when inferring author’s viewpoint. But, there was one little problem, I assumed my students had background knowledge about the Olympics. Red flashers came flooding in when I heard So-Hi, what is figure skating?, I dont care about the Olympics….. I was able to field some of their unknowns with a wonderful article from NEWSELA. If you do not have this website bookmarked- DO IT NOW. It is a free website that has current news articles adapted for different reading levels. The article was about how Russia is having a hard time selling tickets because of negative feelings towards the country. After the students read the article, we discussed key points and then in pairs they looked for evidence that would support the author’s viewpoint.  So! That brings me to my book recommendation for today.

G is for Gold Medal- An Olympics Alphabet is a FANTASTIC non-fiction resource to inform your students about the Olympics. It teaches students about the history of the games. Each letter has something to do with the Summer or Winter Olympics. I learned this morning that due to World War II, the Summer and Winter Olympics were cancelled in 1940 and 1944. What I also love about this book are the pictures and in depth detail of events. Lastly, in the back of the book, there is a site map of all the Olympic destinations since 1896. I plan to read this book to my RTI group this week and pump them up for the Winter Olympics.

What are your favorite books to use to PUMP UP your students during the Olympics. Lets use a rating scale 1st favorite- GOLD, 2nd favorite- SILVER , 3rd favorite- BRONZE.

Happy Tuesday and thanks for reading!

PSA- I am having a SALE at my TpT store until Tuesday 12midnight.

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