Radiating Sunshine Always

Fast forward 2 years-Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 4:31pm. I had just returned from a run. I went upstairs and checked my phone. My phone spoke words that I was not ready to hear. My brain couldn’t comprehend what I had just found out. My body went into a shock that I can’t describe. A very close family friend, a 2nd mother figure in my life had passed away. I mourned and am still dealing with losing a very close person in my life. #itsnoteasy. This lady was such a wonderful person who radiated the best sunshine. Her laugh, her pearl earrings, her gentle words, her love for life radiated to the world. She also had a love for children’s literature. We would chat about different books all the time. Another friend asked me, “Courtney, what was the name of that one book you
told me about.” Lights started to flash!! I should totally recommend
books for my teacher friends and parents. I started it on my personal
insta, but I wanted to reach more people. Ramona Recommends quickly got
herself another instagram account. Soapbox moment- I really don’t like
how you have to log in and out of your different accounts! Insta developers I hope you are listening! 🙂 I believe starting
Ramona Recommends was an angel message from my pearl wearing friend. It has given me a new outlook on life. It makes me so
happy to sit at my computer (for hours) and plan my different book
debuts, create lessons, read other blogs, meet new friends, and know I am blessing someone’s
need. I am doing a special recommends because yesterday I received a gift that I will cherish forever. I received my friend’s favorite book from her husband and daughters. It was their family favorite and read year after year. The teacher in me is super excited because it has ALLITERATION on each page. It is funny, about cooking, and just plain fabulous.  

Since Valentine’s Day is on Friday, I have the perfect ALLITERATION packet for you in my TpT. I say a little Fosdyke and Valentine Alliteration makes for a wonderful week!

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