No, I do NOT want to go to Town!

How many of you know the famous song, “Yankee Doodle”. How many of you actually know what it means? Or! Better yet, how many of your students know what the words mean? I remember singing this song in my 2nd grade musical performance. Let me tell you, I belted those words like I was the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL. I will let you imagine the scene. I actually do have a family video of this somewhere. 🙂

For me, February has always kicked up my love for America. Every year around this time, I bust out the red, white, and blue and whistle patriotic songs. Lets face it, I love AMERICA! I love red, white, and blue and I publicly would tell people one of the reasons I loved going to the University of Arizona was because of their colors.

 Photo Credit: Jennifer Lensing Photography

 The book I am going to recommend today, has been eying me when I scan my library for books for months. I decided since I am in the Olympic, National Antheme mood this book will be a perfect selection for this week. How many of your students have read the Origmai Yoda books by Tom Angleberger? They are a hit at my school. The boys can’t get enough. I personally have not read them since Star Wars isnt my thing. #sorrynotsorry.

Tom Angleberger is the author of this weeks selection entitled, Crankee Doodle. This picture book is a HILARIOUS take on the song we all love and sing at all school America performances- “Yankee Doodle”. I reread it again tonight to my mom and I was could not stop laughing. The author’s words are enjoyable for the adults reading the book as well as the children listening. He talks about going to town, riding a pony, and WHY his hat is called MACARONI! According to Angleberger this song was written before The American Revolution. 5th grade teachers read this to your students during the study of the colonies.

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