Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it is MARCH 4. Can you believe that MARCH FOURTH makes a sentence? I can’t believe next month I will be 30th. I am excited, but at the same time, holy smokes I just turned 21…right 😉 Today, I want to share a few random things with you. As you can see from above RANDOM is my magic word today.
Oh spring is in the air for sure around here! Around this time, I think it is such a good idea to remind students of sharing the joy of their classmates. Teaching students to bask in the glory of others. Help stop the “me me me” and promote “helping others”. I had this great idea the other night and I want to share. I was reading “Each Kindness” by Jacqueline Woodson a Coretta Scott King Award Honor winner.
The cover had me thinking of clovers and spring. The message in the book celebrates kindness in the classroom. I decided to create several different March writing prompts that would promote kindness among students in schools. I titled the idea, “A Wish for You”, based on my favorite song “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts. Students need to write a 3-5 paragraph essay about a wish they wish upon a student in their school or a staff member. They should include whom they are writing letter to, why they are writing the letter, and why this person deserves a wish. Most importantly they must include the wish. Students can also share these in front of the class. Students should deliver to recipient on St. Patrick’s Day.
Also to continue RAKs in the classroom. I created a March themed activity. Students will write wishes for students or staff members. I will double check them and then the students can deliver them on St. Patrick’s Day. EXCITED! Below you are some pictures of the activities. Click HERE or on the cover page. 🙂
I work Monday-Thursday in my current job. Then, on Fridays I usually sub at different schools around my district. A few weeks ago, I subbed for a 1st grade class. Now mind you, most of my experience is in the upper grades. Sometimes my daily comments just fly over the heads of first graders. During math, I added something wrong. A student corrected me and I said “JK”. He looked at me with wondering eyes and said, “like LMNOP”? I started cracking up. How cute was that response? I said no sweet pea, “JK”, means just kidding, I made a mistake. So with that said, I thought I would recommend…..
Ahhh! I just love you site. I can't wait to keep up with you. :DI am nominating you for the Liebster blog award!!! Hop on over to my page to see what that means, how to accept the award, etc.
Come Visit Readbox!
Kristin! Thank you so much, but I have already been nominated. Have a wonderful night! 🙂