What are your favorite United States books to use in your classroom? I love our country! In fact, my favorite holiday is 4th of July and I love to wear red, white, and blue. If I hear the song, “God Bless the USA” come on at anytime, I will blast it and sing at the top of my lungs.
As I was looking through my bookshelves, I realized I have quite the plethora of books to tackle any United States report. Maybe I should invite the older neighborhood kids over! Oh wait, I will barely let anyone touch my books but me. #truestory! So that probably won’t happen. Don’t judge. I do use them in the classroom, but they are for Miss H’s hands only.
I am a history nerd. As the kids would say, I am totes ok with that. Besides sharing US books, I have also decided to share some of my favorite history picture books as well. This post is going to be lengthy so grab a drink and settle in because this is the longest post I have ever done. 🙂 Btw: I do own all of these books, but sometimes I get tired and don’t want to transfer pictures from iPhone to computer. Does anyone know of a faster way to expedite that process?
This post should really be titled: 5th Grade Teachers This is for YOU! 🙂
United States Reference Books
As I was thumbing through the books to share some of my favorite parts, I realized I really love to know “fun facts” about different states. In Pennsylvania, the average person eats 20 pounds of pretzels a year. Pennsylvania is home to Hersheys AND Crayola! I get excited when I read useless information, but deep down inside- I think someday I might need to know that! 🙂
Picture Books-Historical Fiction
Just get your shopping cart at Amazona or Barnes and Noble ready. I believe these books are top drawer. OK here I go!
This is one of my favorite picture books (I know I say that A LOT). The Scrambled States of America is a hilarious find that helps students learn about placement of states plus a little bit about each one. My favorite line from the whole book is, ” I don’t know, moaned Kansas. I just feel bored. ALL day long we just sit here in the middle of the country. We never GO anywhere. We never Do anything and We Never meet any new states!” I just learned that there is a game to go with this story as well! 🙂
Here are some other great finds to share during the study of the United States!
While I was looking for my USA books, I also spotted these favorites, so I thought I would share. Lucky you!
What picture books do you love to use in your classroom to teach Social Studies? The next one on my wish list is: President Taft is Stuck in the Bath.
What a great list! I'm always on the lookout for fun Social Studies books for my fifth graders. Thanks for the post. Also- thanks for confirming that it is OK to have some books that you don't let your students touch! haha I'm slightly protective over some of mine!!
Love your book list. I also have called United Tweets of America by Hudson Talbott. It's about the 50 state birds. Kind of a different twist on the 50 states.
This list makes me wish I taught 5th grade! But I will sneak in some US History with my 3rd graders . . . Great book recommendations!