Hello! Oh, I love that Destiny’s Child song. When I was in high school, I would blast this song in my car. Today, I want to share with you my Monday Made It! This is my first one! đŸ™‚ Such a fun idea that Tara from 4th Grade Frolics came up with. You should totally check out her blog.
Last year when I was a long term substitute in 4th grade, I came up with this fun and creative way to identify student desks for Open House. I created name tags for each student to display on his or her desk the night of OH. It was pretty easy, but also time intensive! Here is how I did it!
The students logged into Tagxedo and created a name cloud. I asked them to type their first name 8 times, their middle name 3 times, and their last name 5 times. The more times you type a word, the bigger it will show in the word cloud. Then, the students picked their shape. The website has MANY options from pigs, Abraham Lincoln, LOVE, apples, and much more. The students also picked the color scheme that best represented their personality. I had my WONDERFUL aide cut out the shapes, and I brought them home to make them pop! At Michaels, they had colored pattern paper in bundles for a fare price of $15-$20. Each bundle came with over 100 sheets. I glued each word cloud onto a piece of patterned paper and then attached that piece to another patterned paper. I glued all the pieces together and then adorned each name tag with a ruler ribbon. Oh just to be worned-there is A LOT of cutting! đŸ™‚ Get those Fiskars blades sharpened! Here is my copy. I LOVED the way they turned out. Many kids took them home for their bedroom door.
The students also created word clouds “All About Me” poems. The students were asked to match their name tag shape to their poem. I placed them around the room and the parents had to guess which one was their child’s. The kids and parents loved it. Here is an example I did for the kids. I love piggies!
Check back tomorrow for a Tuesday-Ramona Recommends!
One Comment
These turned out super cute! I pinned this to do it at the beginning of the year. I love all the little details.
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'