Happy Tax Day. If you haven’t sent in your taxes, this is your friendly reminder. GO SEND IN YOUR TAXES! ๐ Love, Ramona Recommends
It is my spring break! Wahooo! Last week, I went to Barnes and Noble. This happens frequently probably more frequently than it should. I can’t help it! I learn about new books, and I must go check them out. #marketresearch! Well! While I was there, I ran into a sparkling, dazzling, magnificant gem. A is for Awesome is an alphabet book that cheers on its reader through encouraging statements. How perfect for TEST TAKING! I am always looking for encouraging quotes or words to share with my students.
Oh! Yesterday I did a guest appearance over at Ideas by Jivey. I chatted about 3 of my favorite children’s lit biographies. Go check it out! You might even get a freebie!!! ๐
Happy Spring Break!