Oh Lets Go Fly a Kite


I know it is not Tuesday, but I HAD to share with you some exciting news. Have you ever been to a conference where you sing to get the party started? Yep! We had an audience full of adults singing, “Oh, Lets Go Fly a Kite…”. Today, I went to the Orange County Reading Association Spring Conference to hear Alexis O’Neill, author of the well known children’s picture book, The Recess Queen. What a joy to listen to her explain and guide teachers in Common Core Writing. Today, I learned the following:
1. Alexis O’Neill is a hilarious and wonderful speaker.
2. A new genre term (for me): —Fictionalized Biographies
3. To help students with their writing, have them research pictures. (great for report writing) Asking questions based on observations will build vocabulary for writing.
4. Students can use narrative guiding questions to help write non-fiction text.
5. Instead of asking students “What would it be like if you were Abraham Lincoln?”, change the question to a place. “What would it be like to be (at) Mount Rushmore?”

My afternoon gets better! So! During her presentation, she talked about fictionalized biographies, stories using real events with fictional aspects, and referred to Mumbet’s Declaration of Independence. This is a big deal because just on Monday I guest blogged at Ideas with Jivey talking about that EXACT book. #authorsandramonarecommendsthinkalike!

She read aloud her newest picture book entitled, “The Kite that Bridged Two Nations”. What a great experience to hear an author read her own book. She shared with us how she researched for the book. It was really inspiring. I enjoyed listening about all of the different avenues she utilizes to write.

After the conference, I purchased 3 of her picture books. Reviews to come (BELOW). Alexis was such a gracious author and personally signed all of my books. I was even brave enough to ask for a picture with her. She graciously accepted. Eeek! I told her about my blog Ramona Recommends. Alexis, if you are reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by! I hope to meet again! Love, Courtney

Teachers! The next three books are MUSTS in your classroom. Alexis O’Neill’s word choice is like eating ice cream all day. You just want more and more.

Bouncity, Kickity, Swingity!
This book is wonderful for all sorts of classroom fun. The Recess Queen is about a classroom bully who thinks she is #1. She bosses and pushes until Katie Sue shows up. Katie Sue teaches Meanie Jeanie how to be a good friend. I think this book is great for students to see real life examples of rhyming words, vivid writing, and how to capture the reader.  Oh! Teachers, Alexis has provided a wonderful teacher guide to use when exploring this book. For more details click here.
Don’t forget to read during Anti-Bullying week in October!
This gem is Alexis’ newest book. Do you have students who love adventure? Come learn about Horman Walsh’s experience as a boy flying kites. As I listened to Alexis read this book, all I could think about was DETERMINATION. This story is a wonderful reminder to students that hard work takes determination. You always have to start before you can finish~a history lesson and heart warming story in one. The author even describes the different events in the story that are realistic and which are fictional. Need a mentor text to foster vivid openings? Guess what, I just found you one! Look no further. You’re Welcome. đŸ™‚
You know that one student who is really LOUD INSIDE THE CLASSROOM? Let me introduce, Loud Emily, a tall tale about a LOUD little one who lives on a ship. First, the author provides a mini sailing dictionary at the beginning of the book to help any non-sailors with their matey vocabulary. This book is a wonderful reminder that all children have their special gifts or not so special gifts. BUT! They are all gifts! We should embrace ourselves and use our skills to the best of our abilities. I love in the book how the words ARE CAPITALIZED for when LOUD EMILY is SCREAMING!
Thank you for stopping by!

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