The “30th” Birthday Giveaway

Hello! On Friday, I turn the BIG THREE-ZERO! I can’t believe the time is here. Just yesterday, it seems I was walking across the stage getting my high school diploma. I’m excited for this milestone because I think with age comes wisdom, more experiences, fun, and more pictures to add to my camera roll. This past 30 years have been wonderful. I have learned to ride a bike, moved 8 times, had my first kiss, graduated from high school, joined a sorority, walked across the stage Magma Cum Laude, had my first teaching job, had many movie nights with my parents, completed my Master’s degree, owned over 1300 children’s literature books, gained the best nephew in the world, laughed with great friends, and inspired teachers with my blog, Ramona Recommends. WOW! Just listing these events makes me feel proud. I want to give back to the blogging community and teacher community for welcoming me into this AMAZING group of inspiring, creative, and heart warming educators. Without further ado….

To say thank you, I have invited my TOP 30 favorite sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to share in my birthday excitement. A HUGE thank you goes out to all 30 sellers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my 30th birthday celebration ROCKIN! I am so excited to introduce who the “birthday presents” will be from…

Every time I look at this picture, I get excited. So! I hope you are too. Here is how the giveaway will work. It will start bright and early Monday, April 21st and go through Friday, April 25th at 11:59pm Please make sure to read this section as there are a few ground rules to enter. Because this is a huge giveaway, I broke down the presents into three groups. You may enter all 3 giveaways. Please do what is asked of you to enter. I know it can be a little daunting if there are 10003 (or 30) tasks for one giveaway; that is why I made 3 different giveaways. I just ask as a gift to me you follow the rules. I want my Top 30 sellers to get love as well. ***If you enter all three giveaways, you only need to do Ramona Recommends stuff once.***The 3 Winners will be announced and emailed that weekend (possibly Monday). Those three winners will receive emails from the donors with the birthday present they won. For example: If Rita Book entered Birthday Present 1 and WON, she would get all those treats only. So! I suggest entering all 3. You never know you; could win all three! 🙂

 Inside Birthday Present #1
Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd loves Parts of Speech Scoot and More
Teaching and Much Moore loves Cooking Up Comprehension
Teacher to the Core loves Comprehension and Fluency 101
A Kindergarten Life for Me loves Winner’s Choice
Easy Teaching Tools loves Summer Literacy Handbook K-3
Sparkling in Second loves Spin a Modifier (Activity for Adverbs and Adjectives)
Laugh Love Learn loves Sun, Sand, and Math
All Y’All Need loves A Unit Inspired by Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
Meet Miss Parker loves Spring Differentiated Reading Comprehension Passages
Mrs. Peterson Loves to Teach loves I can Statements Common Core 1st Grade
a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Inside Birthday Present #2
Ramona Recommends loves The Scoop about Close Reading
Teaching with a Mountain View loves Addition and Subtraction Task Cards
Oh Boy 4th Grade loves Winner’s Choice
Melonheadz Illustrations loves Beauty Bundle 
KG Fonts loves One Font Single Font License
Ideas by Jivey loves Because of Winn Dixie Novel Unit
One Extra Degree loves GLUE IT! Multi-Step High Order Thinking Interactive Journals
The Library Fox loves Winner’s Choice/$5 or under clip art set
Lesson with Laughter loves Winner’s Choice
The Brown Bag Teacher loves ROOTS Hands On Activities for Greek/Latin Root Words

 Inside Birthday Present #3
The Science Penguin loves Science Notebook Activities
Teaching in Room 6 loves Is it Summer Yet Palm Poet-Tree
Free to Teach loves Figuartive Langauge Unit
Teach. Inspire. Change. loves Position Research Paper Unit 
Beach Lovin’ Teach loves Mr. Brown’s Precepts Classroom Posters
Fourth & Ten loves Spelling Contracts Through the Year
Sailing into Second loves Spring into Learning 6 Literacy and Math Centers
For the Love of Teaching loves Editable End of the Year Candy Bar Awards
4th grade Frolics loves Rounding, Rounding, and Ordering Too Math Activities
Where the Wild Things Learn loves ELA Common Core Review and Test Prep

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much for coming to my birthday party aka 30th birthday giveaway. It was a pleasure to be your hostess. Go check out these amazing seller’s blogs and Teachers Pay Teachers stores! Many of these sellers have Instagram accounts too. If you want to follow me on Insta CLICK HERE!

Side Note: There will be no Tuesday with Ramona Recommends blog post  this week, but I will post some of my new favorite picture books on Instagram throughout the week.

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