Tonight my dreams came true! I was on a live radio show. Let’s be real, who doesn’t want to be famous? Honestly, I am so happy that I am able to share my love for reading with the teacher community. It warms my heart to share something I am so passionate about. Below is the LIVE BlogRadio Interview with Shelia from Shelia Jane Teaching.
New Education Internet Radio with Sheila Jane Teaching on BlogTalkRadio
In the interview, you will learn- what are my favorite books, how I keep my books organized, how to keep a book budget, why I think book reports are out, and so much more!
You will even learn why I love
Interview Links
Courtney (Ramona Recommends) Children’s Literature Resource Guide
Molly (Lessons with Laughter) Classroom Library Organization System
Catherine (The Brown Bag Teacher) Classroom Library Organization System
Storyline Online
Don’t forget to hop on over to Shelia Jane Teaching to share what your favorite books are for the classroom!
Congrats on your interview. I to love picture books – I think it doesn't matter what age you teach there is a place for picture books whether you read for teaching purposes or read for the love of books. I wish that I had a collection of books anywhere the number you own (one day dream). My collection is slowly growing but it is growing. One of my favourite authors is Graeme Base – I love his water colour pictures (his own) in which there is so much hidden within the artwork – including use of pictures only, his rhyming, and his hidden messages within the stories (Uno's Garden is fab for Earth Day). Now I'm off to check out some of the books you recommended 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by. I have not heard of Graeme Base. I will be putting his name on my list of authors to learn more about. Love how you have set a goal to get my more picture books! 🙂
Graeme Base is an Australian author but he is published world wide – he has a website as well that even have a few lesson plans around his books and it allows you to get a good feel of his style of writing and pictures ( – I promise you will not be disappointed 🙂
What fun! Annnnd you talked about 3 of my favorite bloggers! Have a wonderful weekend!
Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road
Thank you for stopping by!!! 🙂 Courtney