Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh Lolli, Lolli

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

Disclaimer- I know I owe you a depth and complexity post. I am going to be honest, it is not going to happen today. Hopefully, it will happen before school starts next year. đŸ˜‰ promise!

Ok, now that I got that off my heart, we can begin! Do you ever feel like you are on a roller coaster and it never stops? The end of the year (the last two months) always feel so crammed with work and fun. The book I picked to share with you today, reminds me to STOP and TAKE IN ALL THE BEAUTY AROUND ME. I get so caught up in life that I forget to breathe. We live in a fast pace society where everything is expected to happen ASAP. I look around and everyone is on their phone, late to appointments, and just plain rushing.

After I read this book, I really thought to myself. Wow, Courtney! You can sometimes get so caught up in texting, instagram, clothing for tomorrow, freeway traffic that you just forget to be thankful. So! Today, I take a pledge to STOP and BE THANKFUL and KNOWLEDGE MY LIFE!

Now! You might be wondering how can I use this book in my classroom. Lucky you, I have some ideas….
The BIG PICTURE of this book- Learning how to work together, paying attention to the ones you love, and stopping to smell the “bubble gum”.
I would use the picture book to teach
Enjoying the moment
Voice for Writing
Precursor to Group Work
Character Traits

I plan to read this book during summer school this year to guide student writing! đŸ™‚

Need some student engagement cards to help you survive the end of the school year? How SWEET are these? AND! They are FREE! đŸ™‚ Enjoy

Did you hear my live radio show interview with Shelia from Shelia Jane Teaching? If you didn’t…CLICK HERE.

Be Sweet!

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