Scholastic Warehouse Sale

Hi Friends,

 Happy Tuesday! I have a BUNCH to share with you! Today will be more pictures than words because this gal is busy! This is my favorite time of year because I get to spend many hours in a warehouse full of children’s literature. Really, does life get any better than that? When the sale first opened, I went to browse and see what Scholastic had to offer this year. I wanted to be ready to help my teacher friends. #alwaysaplanner!
Thanks to Catherine from Brown Bag Teacher for recommending Prisoner B-3087.I have been recommending to all the 5th graders this week during our Book Fair. So far,  7 kids have purchased the book! 🙂

On Saturday, a few Orange County bloggers got together, and we shopped the Scholastic Warehouse Sale in Anaheim. I offered to share my favorites with the attendees. I had a blast recommending my favorites, plus purchasing too! We also went to lunch at Nordstrom Cafe. YUM!

 Shared my love of books with
Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools 
Jessica @jgpreece

 I was so honored to meet these lovely ladies. Do you know Jen from Sparkling in Second Grade and Aris from Sailing into Second? Hearts of Gold I tell you!!!
 It was such a fun lunch with Beth, Caitlin, Jen, ME, Aris, and Kristen!

OK! Here are the wonderful books I recommended and purchased! It was fun learning about what books my friends loved too! So of course, I picked those up as well .
p.s. I am no photographer, just book lover! 🙂

 Thank you Kristen for recommending What if you Had Animal Hair? 🙂

If you have any questions about these books, please email me at

ALSO! I am planning another teacher warehouse sale event. If you are interested in attending, leave your email below in the comment section. Also, jot down which date works best for your schedule. The sale is in Anaheim, California.

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