2day I love 10ies!

Could you decipher my blog title? If so, this picture book is for you and your class! Summer is approaching (or in your case already here) and fun books must be added to your “I want to read this next year list”. I would use this book the first week of school as a fun read aloud during math.

Meet Wumbers- a book cre8ed with numbers. It is a great story for exercising the brain. I laugh because I usually have to read it before to make sure I don’t mess when it’s show time. đŸ™‚

Here is a preview of what you will find inside:
“He pinched my belly bu10!”
“I think you’ll sur5”
“They just do this 4 a10tion”
My blog post title say, “Today, I love tenies (shoes).”
What book would you use to make fun MATH?

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