Currently, It’s Sunny.

Listening- I usually listen to country, but because of Turbo Kickbox and Zumba my music library has grown bounds. So today, I see Glitter in the Air.

Loving- Summer is almost here. I get out June 25th, which means I am closer to knowing if I get a full time teaching position. Prayers Prayers Prayers! Speaking of this, does anyone have a wonderful website that really breaks down Common Core. I have not had my own classroom in a few years or professional training in CC, so I am trying to create my own personal learning development. 🙂

Thinking- Yes, I want yogurtland tonight- I am thinking Strawberry and Mango. 🙂

Wanting- I am teaching a reading and writing class this summer. I am doing a candy theme. Need to make or find fabulous ideas! I already have some baking in my product oven. eeek! I am so excited.

Needing- I need to pick my Tuesday recommendation for Ramona Recommends. Have you been there? I recommend children’s literature for teachers and parents every Tuesday on my blog. My blog is all about children’s literature and more! Click here

Summer Bucket- Mostly I will be around because you know never know when an interview could arise. 🙂 I want to take some mini-trips- hopefully Tucson. I want to enjoy Summer- by relaxing and laughing. Mostly importantly, I want to tackle my home library. It is beyond embarrassing. Who wants to help me stay accountable? 🙂

Enjoy Opening the Magic and go link up with Farley!

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