Hi Friends!
Happy Sunday. Hope you are doing well. Can’t believe we only have 2.5 weeks left. I am super excited because I am teaching Summer School this year. What is even better- it’s a whole class on READING and WRITING. Really it’s going to be magical! Since I like to be organized, I made myself a list of all the books I will use this summer.
Yesterday morning, I went through all of my books and picked out ones based on different topics I will be covering. The stack I pulled was ridiculous! I have a picture to prove it. Like my friend Sara said, “You can never have too many books!” I think every teacher would agree with her, I sure do!
My friend and I are teaching the same class at different schools. We met during our masters and just clicked. We both love to be organized and love to teach reading! We planned our 4 weeks and what books we wanted to use during each mini lesson. We picked 4 categories (Sweet Treats, Pigs, Award Winners, Point of View). I also added in a few of my favorite that I just love. “I don’t need another picture book recommendation”, said NO ONE EVER! 🙂 Here is the new tower of books.
Remember that part about me being super organized. Well, I whipped up a list of all the picture books I am using with theme and skill. If you would like a copy just click on the link or picture. It’s a FREEBIE! 🙂
I am also doing a chapter book read aloud- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
I am creating a few SWEET TREAT classroom management products as well. Look for those soon in my TPT store. Need some SWEET TREATS student pairing cards? Look no more—click here!