It’s Monday

Hello Friends! Today is MONDAY! Which means I start summer school today. PLUS! It is Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics. Like I said last week, this summer my blog is going to go a little off track because I want to join in all the fun linkys. BUT! I promised I will always have a book recommendation plugged in somewhere!

Made-It #1 

I am thrilled to be teaching summer school because I get to teach my own class! Eeekk!  This class is pretty much a
class made just for ME! It’s all about children’s literature, writing,
and publishing children’s books. I had the best time planning this class
with my friend Sara. I picked the theme: SWEET TREATS. Once I picked
the theme, my creating wheels started to turn. On Friday, I was able to get into my “rent-a-room” classroom to
set up. Luckily, I am at my school where I am an instructional math and
reading assistant. Thank you Mr. G for leaving your room so neat and
ready for us!

I love creating an ALL ABOUT ME poster for the first week of school. So! I made one for summer school as well. Since my class is about reading and writing, I shared my favorite books, quotes, and writing utensil. Thank you Aris from Sailing into Second for helping me decide how to use this AMAZING paper from Paper Source. (side note- Have you been to Paper Source?- it is AMAZING!)

 I love this one! Students can guess the questions to my answers. Fun little brain exercise. This will be one of the morning word work choices.

I found the ice cream cone at Target. I just had to buy it! It is our class mascot 🙂 I will let the kids name her. 
 Made-It #2

When the sweeties come in Monday morning, they will find lots of sweets on their desk. Let me give you a little tour of what I have made!

 First thing when the students walk in, I will give each student a card with part of a candy name. They must go to the match on a desk. For example, Gummy must find Bears! This will be their seat for the day or 19 days (haven’t decided). On each journal, I created a label for the students to write their name. Sticking with my sweet treat theme- “My Sweet Thoughts Journal”. This is where the students will be brainstorming and writing their drafts for their candy picture book. Next, I made a survey for students to fill out so I can get to know them. It’s only 19 days, but I like to get to know the kids. I titled it “Ice Cream” to Meet You instead of Nice to Meet you!. The students will also play, “Sweet! I made a New Friend”. It is like Find Someone Who, but more interviewy, plus they have to write what the person says. Then we will share as a class. Lastly, the Popsicle stick- students will write their name on side A and on side b, they will write a fun fact about themselves.

 You can find these in my TpT store… COMING SOON! 🙂

Here is my “rent a classroom” for 19 days 🙂 
Do you have this book? It is a MUST! I can’t wait to read it during SWEET TREATS week. The illustrations are so creamy! I will use this book to explain the importance of illustrations in a picture book. 
Made-It #3
I made this cute button for my blogger meet up in Vegas!! Are you going to Vegas? Come meet Courtney(me) from Ramona Recommends and Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools on Friday night for drinks at Venetian Bellini Bar!
Interested? Sign-up HERE for more deets!
Made-It #4
As you know, I LOVE books. As end of the year presents for the last couple years, I have given books. Last year, I was a long term sub in 4th and gave each teacher a California Chocolate and What was the Gold Rush?

This year! I work with 5th grade teachers! My friend, Megan, who owns Bettie’s Bake Shop is AMAZING. If you are on instagram, FOLLOW HER! She is amazing! Her skills are INCREDIBLE. I am NOT joking! She created these PENCILS with the teacher’s name airbrushed on. I made the tags to go with. I am pretty impressed with my card slogan “Pencil It In- Have a Bookful Summer!” Inside the colored tissue was the wonderful 5th grade book King George- What was his Problem?

Made-It #5 
I am always looking for ways to give back. I love putting smiles on people’s faces.  Last month, I started Ramona Recommends Gives A Book #ramonarecommendsgivesabook. I send one book to a teacher around the United States who has inspired me as an educator or a person. This month, I picked FARLEY from Oh’ Boy 4th Grade. Do you know Farley? If not, I highly recommend you go check out her blog. She is an amazing educator and person. I hope to be as wonderful as she is one day. Don’t forget July’s CURRENTLY is coming TOMORROW! 🙂 The lucky recipient of #RamonaRecommendsGivesABook receives a book, a hand written note, and my favorite quote- “A Book is a Gift you Open Again and Again.”- Garrison Keiller I had such a fun time creating the mailing label, writing the handwritten note, and attaching my favorite quote inside the book. My hope in this new project is to inspire people to OPEN THE MAGIC!
Go, GO America is about the FARLEY family traveling across America learning fun facts about each state.

Have a BOOKFUL Monday and go do something for someone else. #itfeelsgreat!

P.S.>>>>Don’t forget tomorrow is Travel with Ramona Recommends! Come Link Up!

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