Monday Made It- “Put it on the Calendar”

Hello Friends!

It is Monday, July 7th! Do you know what that means? Yes, it’s #mondaymadeit, BUT it means on Friday I will be in Vegas! I am so excited. I have so much going on this week, but I will just keep thinking about FRIDAY! Come find me Courtney {Ramona Recommends}.

I love Erin Condren Planners. Like L.O.V.E planners. Btw, Have you entered the Ramona Recommends and Easy Teaching Tools ERIN CONDREN GIVEAWAY? Oh it’s going to be BIG! Hop on over to my blog post and ENTER! Go! You can come back and read my post in a second! 🙂

Hello Again! Hope you entered!

So, I have this dilemma. I REALLLY want an Erin Condren Teacher Planner. Only problem I do not have a teaching position lined up for next year,YET:). As an aide, I do not need all the loveliness the EC Teacher Planner offers. I told myself I would not order a teacher planner unless I was back in my own classroom teaching. So! for now I made myself a planner. If a teaching job presents it’s self, I will use this as my personal calendar and then order an EC Teacher ASAP! I laugh and say don’t principals know I need to order my EC Teacher Planner! 🙂

Courtney’s Personal Calendar
I can’t own a boring planner. It is against everything I believe in. 🙂 I have been searching for the last 3 weeks to find the perfect planner (besides an EC one). In fact, I have purchased 3 different planners and returned them all. I wanted one I could decorate with the plastic cover and was months only! So! Last night, I went to Target and purchased this beauty!It is stapled in the middle and has 3 holes with a plastic cover. Now, it is cute, but it’s not COURTNEY CUTE! Look below…..

Get excited……

Materials I used: Scrapbook paper, photo stickies, glue, computer(KG Fonts). Anytime I can use my Melonheadz Mini-Me I cheer!

 I added some personal favorites to the inside front page and inside back cover. I love how I was able to really personalize my calendar as it is my own personal assistant. I take it everywhere! Do you love the (I love Picture Books.} sign? Grab yours here. I have a file with several variations. Unfortunately, this one is not included because it’s ME! 🙂 If you really want this one just email me. Love the subway art? Jacque from Mommy and Me Creations created this gem.

 Here is the inside. I haven’t finished making it CUTE, but I have created a section for Ramona Recommends deemed by the pink highlighter. Yellow means bills are due, and I better get out the checkbook (no, I dont use online bill pay..I know). I love the right slide to add info about books I want to purchase or other notes.
 One of the MANY things I love about Erin Condren’s planners are the fun quotes that sit at the top of each month. I created my own. Country music and inspirational quotes are my thing. I chose a variety of song lyrics and quotes that have given me hope every time I read them.  Great words can have the power to change the world. Typed them in KG Abracadabra and printed on white labels. SUPER easy!
Here are the ones I picked!
 What is your favorite lyric/quote that has turned a cloud into sunshine?
Don’t you just LOVE my pencil pouch. My best friend and I were shopping at Cotton On Kids and this little beauty was screaming BUY ME, BUY ME! Anything with chevron and Broncos colors can’t be turned down. Inside I store: pencils, a highlighter, a pen, post-it notes, my business cards, tutoring cards, and substitute cards (love how I can sub on Fridays). These two are like peanut butter and jelly. Yes, I wanted to make sure they matched! 🙂
On Thursday, we celebrated 4th of July in my summer school class. The kids have been doing many art projects. One little boy asked if we could do more writing. I laugh because starting today they will be writing for next 3 weeks straight. The kids are creating their own picture books! eeek! Anywho… I love student input and  created this cute easy journal page. The Life of a Firework. Oh my stars! The kids did a sparkling great job. Their voice is dynamite. I forgot to take pictures of the kid’s work, but here is the template. 
Before writing, I read The Scrambled States of America for a little 4th of fun!!
My friend Sara gave me a cute figurative language packet to use with my kids this week. When I went to download off of dropbox, the fonts did not transfer. So! I made this cute little cover.

I love to make life easier for everyone. I am a helper! Yesterday, I decided to add a new tab to my blog. Now, you can find all of my free book lists right in one little spot! I will update every once in awhile with new topics. 
 To go there right now… Click Here!

If you are going to VEGAS and see me, come say hi! I’m Courtney from Ramona Recommends and I can’t wait to meet you!

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  • I got a similar calendar at Target, but I haven't made it cute yet. I love that you added the quotes and song lyrics to your calendar. I need to do something like this too! Have a fabulous time in Vegas!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  • Wow – you have made your planner absolutely adorable! Love the quotes. Have fun in Vegas : )

  • Your calendar is adorable! I may need to make a small one like this for my purse! Never thought of buying one and redecorating the cover 🙂 I'll see you in Vegas!!!
    Teaching Trio
    Chalk & Apples

  • I have a similar calendar from target I got last year, but yours is cuter! See you for our date in a couple hours :p

  • I like the idea of making a calendar cuter! I would never be able to carry mine around, but a cute one for my desk isn't a bad idea!


  • Love your lyrics! My favorite country music lyric right is "No we don't have a lot of money….all we need is love" ~Zach Brown.

  • Hi! Do you know where I can download the KG abracadabra font? I love fonts just like you do! Thanks!


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