Travel with Ramona Recommends

Happy Tuesday Travelers! My sweet neighbors just got back from a month of east coast traveling. Before they left, I shared my love for “traveled” books. To my surprise when they returned, I had 3 AMAZING books waiting for me. Neighbors! If you are reading this THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Their first stop was to PENNSYLVANIA. They picked me up this adorable state shaped Pennsylvania book.

 Did you know?
Milk is the state drink.
Hershey is considered the Chocolate capital of the United States.
Betsy Ross made the American Flag in Pennsylvania. 
Next Stop!
Remember when I told you I am trying to collect all 50 state Sleeping Bear Press  alphabet books. Lookie Here… EEEEKkkkkk!
Did you know? These books are written for primary and upper elementary readers!
The white writing is for primary and the smaller black writing is for upper elementary and more. 
Did you know? 
Delaware was the first state.
The Lady Bug is THEIR state bug!
Last Stop!
This book shares about New York through numbers. Did you know? There are 5 boroughs in New York City. Can you name them? Staten Island, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens.
*Are you looking for your state’s alphabet book? Go to Sleeping Bear Press! I think this company is top-drawer. Each book I have purchased from their publishing company has been delightful. They know how to draw in kids and help teachers TEACH. By the way, on the website there is a teacher helper for each book. Come see an example for G is Golden- A California Alphabet.
*This is my own personal option.

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