Travel with Ramona Recommends Europe Edition

Did your parents meet on the Eiffel Tower 43 years ago this 4th of July? No? Well, my parents did! I don’t know why they aren’t famous. I mean TLC has a show for EVERYTHING, why not this? Their story is perfectly awesome!  Many summers my parents go back to Europe to revisit their younger years. I still can’t believe my mom moved ALLLL the way to Germany when she first got married. My mom and I are like two peas in a pod, and I tell you right now that duck would not fly with me.

Of course before they left to go be jet setters, I asked them to pick up any special unique books that would paint a picture of beautiful Europe. My mom being a book lover like me did a A+ job. She really exceeded the standard. Are you ready?

 Meet my mom or should I say MUM! ! She loves OPENING THE MAGIC!
My lovely parents 🙂

Wait! Before I start!! If you are wanting to give your students a FREE Europe trip, I suggest purchasing some ALL of these books. Since my mom was an High School English teacher for 28 years, she has an exquisite ability to pick out books that teach!

Ok, where were we? Oh! Yes, about to OPEN THE MAGIC! Drum Roll Please…..


  I am teaching summer school this summer. Want to read about it? The novel I picked to read aloud to the kids is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I could not believe when my mom texted me that she would be going to the play! When I told the kids, they were STARBURSTING! She brought me back a few special treats from the musical. I will be styling in my Charlie and Chocolate Factory Tshirt today! If you are on instagram, I’m sure you will see it! If you aren’t following me, come join the party @ramonarecommends. My favorite souvenir is the Musical Brochure. It is magical and filled with pictures from the musical. I hope it comes to California!!!! 

 On the 4th floor of Harrods, is a HUGE candy store. Talk about a kid’s dream!

 My mom’s group text to my sisters and me: Big Ben is Really BIG. ha

 Look at this picture…. What book does it remind you of? Comment below for a chance to win my Back to School Writing Prompts. Please leave your email too! 🙂 (winner will be picked Friday)

 I LOVE this picture! London is just gorgeous. I mean look at these flowers! There is something about London that screams, “Pinkies UP!” 
 These three books give a wonderful tour of London. My favorite is the Kings and Queens of England. From Past to Present. Come learn about the Tower of London! 
Kings and Queens of England (currently unavailable on Amazon)
Tower Power-Tales from the Tower of London (currently unavailable on Amazon)
As you know, I am trying collect ALL of the Sleeping Bear State ABC’s books. LOOK what my mom found in Europe! B is for Big Ben- An England Alphabet and E is for Eiffel Tower -A France Alphabet. Both of these books are like walking tour guides. Such rich information for primary and upper elementary students. E is for Eiffel Tower brings us to our next stop….
 The Eiffel Tower. Such a beautiful landmark for Paris, France.

When I think of France, I think of beautiful flowers and gardens. Come meet my new friends Moi & Marie Antoinette and Linnea from Monet’s Garden. I remember studying all about Monet in second grade. When I was in 4th grade we went to Monet’s Garden. OMG my friends it was H.O.T
Come learn about the Eiffel Tower, French Bread, Countryside living and more when you read A Walk in Paris. I am sure you teach Art and I have the book for you! Vincent Van Gogh and the Colors of the Wind would be the perfect book to share about a legend- Vincent Van Gogh. 

OH! Look it what I found. Circa 1994


My parents were only here one night and a day. They went to visit the Porsche Factory. The tour was AMAZING! They were actually there the night GERMANY won the WORLD CUP! Pretty neat, huh! I thought I would make you smile by sharing a picture of my trip to Germany. When I was in 4th grade, my family went to Europe to see where my parents had met and where they lived in Germany. This picture is with the landlord of my parent’s apartment (my dad is taking the picture). Clearly, color blocking was popular then too. 🙂 

 OMG! Can I tell you something? I TOTALLY cried on Monday in summer school when I read Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot. It is such a dear story about the Berlin Airlift that dropped Candy to children from the sky. I have to say this book is now in my top favorites of historical picture books. WOW! Let Freedom Ring! The last book pick up was Germany ABCs. Did you know the Nutcracker is from Germany?
 I hope you enjoyed your free European Vacation. Go Open the Magic and share with your students! Good thing I am teaching summer school to help pay for all the magic I received this week! #bookloverproblems Thank you Mom and Dad!!!
*Did you answer the secret question? Go back through my post to find the secret question.

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  • I've never read Hugo…so it might be that. But it honestly reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia. Both LWW and PC have a scene in a train station.
    The Disneyfied Teacher

  • Oh my gosh this is adorable! Yes, your parents should totally have a show! How sweet 🙂 What awesome books too! & um SO jealous they were in Germany for the World Cup! I may be a little obsessed with it..


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