Sunshine and #SunAllTheTime

I’m Courtney from Ramona Recommends. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Welcome to RAMONA RECOMMENDS. I am so lucky to live in California,
better yet Southern California. It is a magical place. The palm trees,
ocean breeze, sunshine almost all year, and the beautiful outdoor malls
make me NEVER want to leave. EVER! Come take a tour of where I call

Salt Creek Beach

to The Montage in Laguna Beach, California. A family friend got married
here last August. It was the prettiest wedding I have EVER been to!
Just magical. 
 My home away from home. There is something about this Nordstroms that makes shopping so much more fabulous!
 THE SPECTRUM! They have an outdoor Ferris Wheel and Carousel for the kids.

Food Trucks are a BIG HIT around here!

of my favorite parts of Southern California is the Dana Point Harbor.
During the summer, my sister and I will go do our morning walk around
the harbor. Then on the way back, we will hit the stairs. It is a GREAT
workout! #summerworkoutsoutsidealways

Early Mornings are magical at the beach!

San Diego has a wonderful little section called Old Town San Diego!

 Yep! I bought a book in San Diego Old Town (it was like a vacation)

 Disneyland…Need I say more?
California is so magical, I thought I would share some of the magic
with you. Click on the picture to download this PRINT AND GO resource
for your classroom. Have a wonderful school year! 

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  • What a fun post Courtney! If I didn't already live in the OC, you would have sold it to me with those amazing pics! So awesome that you can get your fitness on with your sister at the harbor! That just sounds so relaxing! I love how you put Nordies in there…haha! Speaking of fashion ( as I always do), is that green olive maxi skirt from Nordies? I just might have it too….big surprise right?! #stylesistersitellyou 🙂

  • Oh my goodness I LOVE this post Courtney! I love the Montage! That's where I got engaged! 🙂 And then we went to Disneyland right after! LOVE SoCal! Thank you for the wonderful freebie girl! 🙂 See you soon!!!

  • Loved your post and pictures! You really do enjoy living at the beach! Makes me want to go for a walk right now (but I am too busy 'surfin'). Thanks for the freebie! You are so creative and such a natural at teaching! I was so fun meeting you and the other SoCal bloggers in Old Town!

  • OH MY GOODNESS! To have a view like that from my classroom would be a dream! Though my view is not too shabby (I see a beautiful courtyard through my windows), I would trade it for a beach view ANY DAY!!!

    New Adventures in Elementary

  • You must have happy kids; who wouldn't be happy playing at recess, looking at the ocean?! Gorgeous!! Thanks for the freebie!!

  • Your pictures are beautiful and make me wish I lived in sunny, southern California. I am most jealous of the view from your classroom. My view is of a parking lot. *sigh*
    Thanks for the giveaway and for sharing the photos!
    ~Amanda from His and Her Hobbies

  • Hey Courtney!! We're practically neighbors….I'm in Newport. What grade do you teach? I teach 4th gr. here in OC. Your school has the better view though. ; ) I'm pretty sure I know what school that is, but I won't say on here. Glad to find another OC blogger!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  • Your pictures totally make me miss living in Orange County! It is so beautiful! Plus you went to Disneyland! I had a season pass for four years!! It was awesome!! My favorite night to go was Halloween because the park was EMPTY!! You should check it out then!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  • I'm wanting to move to your magical city! Then you can help me with my classroom organization and decor!!! I love all of your top 5's and think they'll be going in my shopping basket for the sale. Can't wait for Wednesday. XO

    A Teaspoon of Teaching

  • What a fun post! Let me know next time you walk the Harbor!


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