Hello Friends,
TODAY’S LESSON: My exciting news and some wonderful books to use in September!
If you follow me on instagram or facebook, I am sure you know the news. If you aren’t aware I have not had a full time in my own classroom position in 4 years. Since education is my passion, I have done everything possible to stay connected and share my love education with kids. Honestly, there were days when I was so depressed because I just didn’t know how everything was going to turn out. I just kept praying and knew something would come! Well, lets just say BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER PLANNED! It was around 8:15am Wednesday, August 20th when I received one of the best phone calls of my life. The admin of my school called to set up an interview. This school is BRAND new with top of the line technology. I graciously accepted the interview and ran downstairs to tell my mom and sister who were chatting in the kitchen. My heart was pounding with excitement, nervousness, and everything in between. I became a hermit until Saturday morning and just practiced every interview question I thought they might ask. I stayed off of instagram and pinterest because seeing all of the cute classrooms made me more nervous. Saturday morning arrived, and I walked into the building with my black skirt suit ready to share about my love for teaching. The interview was 20 minutes and everyone was friendly and smiled as I spoke. The principal said she would make a decision by Monday. Oh! Saturday was the LONnnnnnnnggggggggesssttttt Saturday of my life. I tried to keep busy by cleaning, organizing, baking, and eating out with some friends. I also didn’t want to start room design planning because well I would be crushed if I wasnt offered the position.
On Sunday afternoon, I was at the mall with my mom and sister and my phone rang about 3:30. I didn’t recognize the number, but answered it right away. It was the principal- my heart about jumped 50 feet as she offered me a 5th grade position at my school. I graciously accepted and signed my contract that following Monday. I have literally not stopped since that interview call on Wednesday. My mom, my brother in law, my best friend, and family friends gathered together to help me set up my classroom. I would not have been able do it without them!
The first day of school was AMAZING! Knowing that this class is mine for the whole year just makes me SMILE SMILE SMILE. My kids are funny, unique, investigators, sweet, strong, and AWESOME. My team is great! I am just H.A.P.P.Y! I need to find a way to continuing blogging, but right now I must give my whole heart into my job. I know you all understand. Don’t give up on Ramona Recommends, but there might be a few more breaks then before. THANK YOU!
Courtney, congratulations on your new position!! I KNOW your kids feel your excitement and how awesome that they will learn the magic of books this year!! I love The Name Jar, too!! And I'm looking forward to hearing how you balance full-time teaching and blogging. . . I know I struggle with both and family time!! I just downloaded the writing pencil; thanks for always sharing! Have a fabulous new year!
Congratulations on your new position! Such an exciting time for you! I loved reading this post. I have been going through the same process and this is so encouraging that it does work out.
I am so excited for you! Congrats!
Chickadee Jubilee
EEEKKK! I'm so excited for you it's all so perfectly perfect! Thank you Jesus 🙂 I can't wait to see your adventures, but I'll have a hard time without book recommendations ALL THE TIME (but for good good reason, so I'll let it slide ;))!
I send my love!
Congratulations!! How exciting!! Your students are so lucky to have you for a teacher! I love your focus wall!
Ccngratulations!! I'm so excited for you!! Have an awesome year!!
Best first day outfit ever! I want to go shopping with you when I move out to SoCal!!!
A Teaspoon of Teaching