The Ants go WRITING on

Happy Tuesday,

Side Note: Today is the FIRST day of Fall. We have been in the midst of a huge heatwave. The thought of sweaters and boots right now make me want to faint.

This week we are starting our Persuasive Writing Unit. My teammate introduced me to Hey, Little Ant! O.M.G what a gem! To engage our friends I am going to read, Hey, Little Ant! It a great story to teach the art of persuasion. First, I will read the story to the class and discuss the main theme: To persuade. To SQUISH or NOT SQUISH. We discussed breaking our classes into two groups. The SQUISHERS and the NOT SQUISHERS. They will need to make a pro and con list for the reasons behind their stance. This is a short and simple activity, but will engage our students into my favorite writing unit PERSUASION!

Don’t have the book? Check out this video. It is the full story with an ANTastic beginning. 

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