Room 20 does KIND

Hi Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving Week! Yes, I get the WHOLE WHOLE WHOLE week off! Which means I can do some creating and blogging. I am thrilled! A few months ago, I shared a picture of my RAK bulletin board ideas. A few people requested that I go into more detail on my blog.
One of my goals as a classroom teacher is to create respectful 5th graders. I want my students to feel loved and excited when they walk into Room 20. My classroom theme this year is from the country song, Compass- “So let your heart sweetheart, be your compass when you are lost, you should follow it where you go”.

What are some ways I have been “teaching” my classroom theme and goals?

 Classroom Read Alouds

Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The Julian Chapter by R.J. Palacio 
Pay It Forward Catherine Ryan Hyde
365 Days of Wonder by R.J. Palacio (We will start this in January)
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun by Maria Dismondy

R.A.K Project

I started my RAK Project playing this video by Bombshel. It was VERY powerful! My students were totally moved by the video and even clapped at the end. #ilovemy5thgraders.

Each student signed a  “Kindness Never Stops Traveling” pledge card.

For homework, each student went home and brainstormed different Random Acts of Kindness they have seen in their community. I had the students do this with their families. I was blown away by the responses the students returned the following day. Sorry! I have no pictures of the completed Graffiti Walls.The kids keep this page behind their binder and can add it to when they see new RAKs.

I created a RAK center by the Social Studies wall. The students must complete at least one RAK a week. They may share a RAK they saw or demonstrated or they may write a friendly letter to someone in the class or staff member. At first, I let  them write to their friends, but now they must write to different people. Every Friday, I pass them back to the students in the class or deliver to the teachers.
My favorite RAKs thus far,
“Dear Student C,
Thank you for helping me feel welcomed in this class. I am new this year and I do not know anyone. Your cheerful smile is always so warm.”
Sincerely, Student B”
“Dear Miss H,
Do you know how much I love your class?I have never had a teacher who cares so much about their students. Thank you for always believing we can do our personal best.I love 5th grade.”
Here is the RAK Center

This will be in my TpT tonight with a few other fun new treats! 
Remember- A Random Act of Kindness Never Stops Traveling!

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One Comment

  • Hi Friend! It was so good to read your blog post! I have got to tell you again that I am just SO PROUD of you and really admire your heart! Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING week with your dear family and friends! Enjoy!:)


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