If this is your first time to my blog, Welcome! I am Courtney from Ramona Recommends. I teach 5th grade in Southern California and L.O.V.E books. Come see what we do in room 20.
Here is my weekly schedule that must be posted in our rooms at all times. It is very helpful when I have the kids helping to create the daily schedule. They just look at this calendar. When I need to change the schedule, I write on the post-it note the kids plan according. It is quite wonderful. My kids know the routine. I am the type of teacher who loves routine. I feel that my kids have grown to love routine as well. Schedules make my heart full. What about you?
My theme this year is “Let Your Heart Be Your Compass!” by Lady Antebellum
LOVE my Erin Condern Planner. The colors make me love planning. 🙂
My schedule on the left is a WEDNESDAY. On Wednesdays, the kids get out early. After the kids leave we have PLC Meetings, Staff Meetings, or Staff Development.
Awww Courtney! Thanks so much for penciling US into YOUR busy schedule!! We love you! Thanks so much for linking up with us!!
Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd
I love your time cards next to your schedule cards!! So awesome!! Are your cyclone colors for group points, or for group work!? Either way, I LOVE it, and love the use of Krista's circles! What a genius idea!
Mrs. 3rd Grade