MAY you always LOVE to READ

Jen from Sparkling in Second and I are here to recommend MORE  monthly-themed books!
Before we get started, I want to share one of my favorite memories with my mom. She is the BEST!!!! My mom and I are best friends. I love the special relationship we have. I will never forget when I was in 5th grade we would sit in her bed and read Confessions of Charlotte Doyle each night. My mom was my biggest cheerleader. I remember she would read a page and I would read a page. As a kid weekly library visits were a must. We were also lucky to get to go to Rakestraw Books and pick out new books frequently. I am glad that my mom shared my motto, “OPEN THE MAGIC!”.
Now back to our regular schedule blog post….
Check back with us each month for our top picks for K-5 classrooms. This month  our recommendations are like a pot of chicken noodle soup. We are bringing you Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Wordless picture book favorites!!!
Check out some of our favorite read alouds…
A Chair For My Mother

One of my favorite books of all time. Such a wonderful story of how a daughter pays respect to her mother. Every time I read this book, I cry. 🙂 Great read aloud before starting mother’s day projects. Also great for teaching cause and effect, money, and family traditions.Amazon Affilate link provided.

Grades: K-5

Do you have 4-6th grade girls in your class that love books about “girlie” matters? This series is perfect for them. The girls in my class read this series like wildfire.  A group of girls become friends as they read the classics and learn how to deal with growing up. 

5th-7th grade
The Secret Knowledge of Grownups

I love this book! It is light and hilarious read about why parents do the things they do. I would use this book to teach about “how to” or a unit on growing up.
Grades 1-6

This is my favorite wordless picture book. A story filled with friendship, trails, animals. I love using this story when teaching about hard work and life. One activity I have done is let the kids use their imagination and write their own story based on the pictures.
Grades 1-6

Chicks and Salsa

The PERFECT read aloud for Cinco de Mayo!!!! Great for opinion writing, how to, and celebrating Cinco de Mayo. In the back, it has a great guacamole recipe too.
Grades 1-6

These books are linkable with my amazon affiliate program

Hop on over to Jen’s blog to read the rest of our list!

What’s your favorite memory of your mom?

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One Comment

  • Love that you featured your mom!! That really says a lot! I hope I've passed on my passion for reading to my own daughters, too! I didn't realize The Mother Daughter Book Club was a series now. I'll have to get them!! Thanks for always recommending GREAT books, Courtney!!


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