2015 Scholastic Annual MeetUp

Good Sunday Morning to YOU! Yesterday, I hosted my annual Scholastic Warehouse Meetup in Anaheim, California. This place is probably in my top 3 favorite places to go. First {Nordstrom}. It was a fun day filled with books, meeting new friends, and catching up with old friends. The day started at 10am in front of the Scholastic Warehouse. If you are unfamiliar with Scholastic Warehouse SALES, let me fill you in! First off, check and see if you have a SALE near you. Depending on the SALE, they are usually 3-5 times a year. They have mini warehouse sales that are usually in hotel conference rooms. Luckily the Southern California BIG warehouse is only 30 minutes away from me. Today was my third hosted event, even though I have been to the warehouse MANY times. I go around and give suggestions about books I think the attendees would love to have in their classrooms. The warehouse is filled with picture books and chapter books. I would love to get more upper elementary teachers in because there are so many great titles!

Do you have your very own HELLO LITERACY T-shirt? My sweet friend Jessica from Tassels and TK purchased this adorable (my favorite t-shirt ever) t-shirt from the one and only Jen Jones of Hello Literacy. We had to wear our cute shirts to my meetup today. I mean PERFECT, right!
Here is the dynamic duo behind Sparkling Recommendations. Are you unfamiliar with our monthly read aloud post? If so, check out one here.
 Creepy Carrots! for the WIN!

 Does this picture s.c.r.e.a.m TEACHER or WHAT!
 Our ELLEN selfie!
 The group! So fun ladies!!! We all picked out our favorite book we purchased from our day at the warehouse. Kristen’s book is hilarious, poems about how to get a girlfriend written by kids. I wonder will they come out with a “How to get a Husband?” book. If so, I’m there!
 This year I gave away OPEN THE MAGIC wands from Luisa’s Chocolatiere shop in Laguna Hills, California. She does ship! Her chocolate is all natural and YUMMY!
 Three gals all had the last name- SMITH! We thought it was funny!

{Here are the books I purchased for my 5th grade Classroom}

 Non-Fiction Stack (Need Grahpic Organizers for Non-Fiction Text, check out these.

 {Picture Book Stack} Want an I LOVE PICTURE BOOKS poster for your classroom? Click Here

{Chapter Books} The boys will be super excited about this trip!

These boxes are wonderful storage tool for holiday decor (Tips by Ramona Recommends) 😉

 Had to get my little nephew a present!
 TEACHERS in Orange County, California say, “OPEN THE MAGIC!”
Lastly, I would like to thank four very special literacy advocates for donating some of my favorite READING products from their stores to my OPEN THE MAGIC raffle today. 
Jen Jones, Hello Literacy
Nikki, Melonheadz

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