Teacher Gift Idea


Do you need a QUICK teacher gift to give to your teacher friends? I’ve got the perfect idea for you. My district did not have school yesterday so I decided to do a little crafting. I pulled out all my scrapbooking paper and a yellow note pad to make a list of ideas. Then a HUGE light bulb idea came into my head. I’ve seen other bloggers like Aris from Sailing Into Second and Beth from A Kindergarten Life for Me make adorable notepads, but I had not seen the idea that was sparkling in my head. I quickly rummaged through my scrapbook paper for light pink and gray paper. BINGO! I found just want I need to make a PENCIL notebook. I mean what teacher doesn’t A)love notepads and B)LOVE Ticonderoga pencils????

Materials Needed:
Light Pink and Gray Patterned Paper
Yellow Notepads (Staples!)
Black Magic Marker
Elmer’s Glue
Paper Cutter or Scissors
How To:
-Cut Pink Paper the size of the notepad plus room for the fold over.
-Glue paper on back and the fold over to make the eraser.
-Cut a strip of grey paper for the metal of the pencil and glue.
 -Write No.2 with black sharpie in the right hand corner of the gray paper.
If you are giving this as a gift, then put a cute yellow ribbon it with a tag that says,

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