Sunshine and Book Lists

Happy ALMOST SUMMER (I have until June 18th). If you are on SUMMER BREAK, hope you are starting your Summer Wish List! Jen and I decided to spice things up this go around and ask two dear gals to be guest bloggers for our SUMMER Read Aloud blog post. Please give a bookful welcome to Stacey from Literacy For Big Kids.

Hi Guys! Stacey here from Literacy for Big Kids. My fantastic literary friend Courtney, asked me to Guest Post on possibly one of my favorite reading topics: Read Alouds! Can we start with some research and information on why you, yes you, should be reading aloud daily to your upper elementary students? Why should we start with research? You as a teacher should be ready to support the choices you make for your kiddos, and let’s face it; saying you saw an Instagram friend do it in her class might not cut it.

 “Read alouds stimulate curiosity in children as they are invited into a safe environment to marvel at the concepts being presented (Harvey, 1998).”
From the now famous Becoming a Nation of Readers released in 1985 (the year I was born):
“The single most important for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.”
Just because our kids are in grades 4-6, does not mean that they don’t benefit from having a fluent reader read aloud to them regularly. Let’s dig in to FIVE of my favorite read alouds for upper grades with a fun theme: Summer!
The One & Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
Looking for an amazing read for your summer book club? Look no further. Why not meet up in fun summery places like an ice cream shop? (You know Bob is always hungry…) Have your final meeting for the book club at a local zoo where you can check out the place that Stella describes as “how humans make amends.” This idea came to me from… wait for it… and Instagram friend. 🙂
All joking aside, The One & Only Ivan is a read aloud I do with my 4th-5th graders every year, no matter what. It gives kids an introduction to animal rights and advocacy; sharing with them that they can make a difference in the life of others. This book will change you. 
*Also important to note: Katherine’s new book Crenshaw is due out September 22, 2015*
Holes by Louis Sachar
If you know me, you know that I love Holes. I love the book, I love the movie.
What a perfect summer reading for the hot, humid, sultry weather. Bring your canteen! You’ll feel like you’re at Green Lake with the juvenile delinquents yourself. Stanley Yelnats will steal your heart and you’ll love to see him grow and change as a character. When you finish the book, you can watch the 2003 movie and get your compare and contrast on.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
Have you ever read a DOAWK book aloud to your class? It is so fun. Teachers and Parents will love all of the hilarity that ensues when Greg’s family sets out on a road trip for the summer. This series is one of the top grossing children’s book series of ALL TIME. Yeah, let that be proof enough!
Sisters by Raina Telgemeier
Need another road trip inspired tale? Wondering how to read aloud a graphic novel? This book is easily relatable for all older kids. Raina wants a little sister more than anything, but what she gets is a little {not so nice} sibling that is nothing like what she imagined. Raina delves into childhood with a realistic  eye that will leave kids shaking their heads in agreement. When mom decides that they need to go visit family out West, all heck breaks lose on the road. Share this one with your kiddos on the ELMO or just side-by-side so everyone can see the beautifully illustrated panels.
Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord
“When Lucy’s family moves to an old house on a lake, Lucy tries to see her new home through her camera’s lens, as her father has taught her—he’s a famous photographer, away on a shoot. Will her photos ever meet his high standards? When she discovers that he’s judging a photo contest, Lucy decides to enter anonymously. She wants to find out if her eye for photography is really special—or only good enough.”
Sounds pretty compelling, right? If you liked loved Rules, then be sure to add this one to your summer read-aloud list. I had a decent amount of kiddos this year that ate this one up!

There you have it guys! Good luck with your Summer TBR list. I know mine is never-ending at this point, and I’m okay with that. 
“I was born with a reading list I will never finish.” -Maud Casey
Hop on over to Jen’s blog to see sparkling ideas from Jamie at Bright Concepts for Teachers!
What books are on your TBR list?

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