TpT Challenge Week 3: My Masterpiece

Hi Everyone!

Today I am here to bring you my NEWEST creation for week three of the TpT Seller’s Challenge.
I L.O.V.E quotes. Like for real, have you seen my classroom? Quotes are my go to. They inspire me .  Have you read WONDER? No! Get off your comptuer right now… RUN to a bookstore to grab yourself a copy. It is one of the most heartfelt book I ever read. Today during summer school, we were talking about Wonder and this little boy shared it made him cry because he never knew how anyone can be unkind. #heisasweeeetie!

I read WONDER to my 5th graders this year. We then created a few new traditions in room 20. First, we started KIND
cards. Students would write RAK cards to classmates, staff members, and
family. It became quite the show in Room 20. My kids really loved being
KIND. It was our pact that KIND is ALWAYS.

In January, I started precept writing each Tuesday morning when the kids would come in. Read about it here. It started from this wonderful book 365 Days of Wonder

is my new product with all the fixings for YOU to start Precept Tuesday
in your classroom. Lets teach our kids to think outside of the box. I
love extending their learning. 🙂 Interested, click here!

 Join in the fun by linking up with Peppy Zesty Teacherista, Sparkling in Second, Third in Hollywood and Teach Create Motivate!

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