I am so excited to be a part of a new group called Books Bloggers Love. I mean this group is PERFECT for me. Each month the 12 of us will share one book we love to share with our students. They will be monthly picks to cater to the upcoming holiday or theme. This month we are are sharing our favorite Back to School books. I have so many that this was a hard one. If you are interested, I have a BACK TO SCHOOL with Ramona Recommends posts that shares my all time favorites for both lower and upper grades. Interested, click here. BUT COME BACK we have a SURPRISE for YOU!
{Click on the book to purchase over at Amazon}
Wonder is a life lesson in it’s self. I almost can’t describe the book in a way that will do it justice. This masterpiece explains the ins and outs of being kind and being bullied. Palacio paints a picture of both sides in a student friendly manner. There is some mature content so please read it before you read it outloud to students to make sure your students are ready for the content.
Wonder is a life lesson in it’s self. I almost can’t describe the book in a way that will do it justice. This masterpiece explains the ins and outs of being kind and being bullied. Palacio paints a picture of both sides in a student friendly manner. There is some mature content so please read it before you read it outloud to students to make sure your students are ready for the content.
I teach 5th grade and was able to read it aloud to my students. There were many questions and mature conversations, but from the book I believe my students really took a stand to be KIND.
This is my first read aloud of the year- its states the tone in the classroom. I do not accept bullying, but I thrive on KINDNESS. During the duration of this read aloud, I introduce a few activities that my students loved doing this year.
Random Act of Kindness Cards
I created a RAK center by the Social Studies wall. The students must complete at least one RAK a week. They may share a RAK they saw or demonstrated or they may write a friendly letter to someone in the class or staff member. At first, I let them write to their friends, but now they must write to different people. Every Friday, I pass them back to the students in the class or deliver to the teachers.
Here is the RAK Center
Please go read WONDER!
Be Kind and share this book with your students. We all deserve to be
LOVED and RESPECTED. There is no room for hate in our hearts, but KIND
gestures. Be the KIND you want to see in the world.
Be Kind and share this book with your students. We all deserve to be
LOVED and RESPECTED. There is no room for hate in our hearts, but KIND
gestures. Be the KIND you want to see in the world.
I started my precept project. Every Tuesday, students respond to a precept I pick from
{Click on the book to purchase over at Amazon}
Want to read more about this? Check out my post over at iteachfifth.
This is the precept guide I use with my students. They LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
What is your favorite BACK TO SCHOOL book?
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"I do not accept bullying, but I thrive on KINDNESS." I love that you said this! Thank you so much for sharing this book.
I love your RAK center, such a good way to focus on being kind! Some of the 3rd grade teachers at my school read Wonder, so I don't read it aloud, plenty of other choices đŸ™‚