When do you use picture books in your classroom? Most people answer during read aloud time. I am proud to say I am a 5th grade teacher and use them ALL the time. My nickname should be
Miss Picture Book Teacher 🙂
Whenever I am teaching a new skill, I
begin by reading a picture book to my students. PS- I use the word
whenever loosely because sometimes I don’t have time for a picture book.
#sadface #justgottagettothecontent
begin by reading a picture book to my students. PS- I use the word
whenever loosely because sometimes I don’t have time for a picture book.
#sadface #justgottagettothecontent
I use books for every subject- even Math!
Here is the little script I use:
YOU are going to be investigators and try to guess what is the main
idea of the lesson I am going to teach. I am going to read to you a picture
book or an excerpt from a chapter book. Each one of these books below I have used or plan to use to begin a lesson. Let me explain a little more! After I read the book, I will discuss what my students think the lesson is about. Then I will teach the lesson. Now, here comes the fun part. At the end of the lesson, we will do another group dicussion– What did you learn that you can apply from the book.
YOU are going to be investigators and try to guess what is the main
idea of the lesson I am going to teach. I am going to read to you a picture
book or an excerpt from a chapter book. Each one of these books below I have used or plan to use to begin a lesson. Let me explain a little more! After I read the book, I will discuss what my students think the lesson is about. Then I will teach the lesson. Now, here comes the fun part. At the end of the lesson, we will do another group dicussion– What did you learn that you can apply from the book.
Example: The Greedy Triangle
Students learn about different shapes. Students reply- I think we will learn about triangles today. The reason I believe this to be true is…..
I can connect the book to the lesson by…..
Sometimes I will have kids go back into the picture book and look for the info. they just learned.
Saving Mr. Terupt (What does GREAT writing look like)
Another Kind of Hurricane (visualization)
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Show Not Tell Writing. Figurative Language)
I Am Scout (Biography Writing)
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to School (Journal, Writing, Creative Writing)
Pig and Pug (Compare and Contrast)
Something Extraordinary (Character Education)
I’m Not Cute! (Character Development)
I love doing Book Appetizers because they serve three purposes.
1. I use to it to preview the skill I am going to teach that day
2. When I read excerpts, I select vivid selections which in turn intrigue my students. #misshinshawonestudentszero
3. It is a review as well. I will have students go into their text and look for figurative language, character development and so on.
ALL of these books are great for good rich writing, illustrations, characters description and good plots!
Home- Non-Fiction and Classification
EVERY Comma lesson NEEDS to use Eats, Shoots and Leaves
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i absolutely agree with using picture books to introduce skills & strategies in upper grades!! i find it helps students of all levels grasp the skill 🙂
I LOVE using picture books with my fifth graders! This summer I have stocked up on mentor texts to use to teach various reading strategies.