Kindness Never Stops Traveling

Hello Friends! Happy Monday! Today I am linking up with Tara for Monday, Made It. 

If you are new to Ramona Recommends, you might remember me because I hosted last week’s Monday Made It!

Have you heard of Fish in a Tree? OMG, it is one of those books that just makes you come alive. It makes every teacher have goosebumps. This year Fish in a Tree is the Global Read Aloud book choice for the October Kick Off! I will be doing another post this summer all about it! BUT! I made this pledge button, because I believe every teacher should have to read this book. Yes, I want you to read it to your students, but YOU NEED TO READ IT LIKE NOW! 🙂 Take the pledge, download this button on your blog, instagram, classroom website, or whatever. By downloading this button, you are helping to spread the word of Teacher Moments and student triumphs. So many teachers make a difference lets continue to share in the glory.

 The Button I made 🙂 
Download FREEBIE!
 Buy This BOOK! 🙂

 Amazon Affiliate Link Provided.

I am so excited because today, I will giving my first professional development about how to make a worksheet, a letter home, or a happy birthday certificate CUTE! I titled my PD, “Cute It Up with, Courtney”. The teachers are my school asked during the school year if I could show them a few tips. The excitement has been bouncing off the walls! I made a powerpoint, notes for my guests, and a friend made cookies… you know what cookies I am talking about…. Do you all know Megan from @bettiesbakeshop? She is the one who did my Vegas cookies? She is pretty much AMAZING. Here are some of the slides from tomorrow’s presentation.

So thankful that my parents are letting me host at their home. Thank you MD! Thank you to my great friends who donated to my first PD!!!
I might even stream some of this from my periscope!!!!
Do you follow me? @ramonarecommends
While we are on the topic of Kindness this week, I decided to add some new RAK items to my TpT Store. I am really excited about all of them. I am so excited that I even bundled them all right here
My favorite one I created this weekend was my Back To School RAK Guide. 

 Inside you will find books to use, songs to play, and RAK cards for your kids. Lets continue to spread Random Acts of Kindness around our schools. 
Can’t wait to see what you made this week! Go Link Up!

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  • Love this quote! We use it when we are teaching our kids about the multiple intelligences. The colors go great with my classroom decor, too!

  • You're such a doll!! Love it all! I am almost done with Fish in a Tree… minute I'm crying with sadness, the next joy….what a ride. I agree EVERY teacher needs to read that!!! Love it! Hoping to finish today:) Thanks for spreading your sunshine!!!!
    4th Grade Frolics

  • I was going to blog about this book and a few others. It's definitely moving into Read-Aloud status in my room. Very well and honestly written.

  • I can't wait to check out that book. Your PD looks super cute. You will definitely ROCK it.


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