I love historical fiction and non-fiction books. I love history as much as I love reading. Well, maybe not as much, but pretty close. Today, I would like to share about several historical books I discussed about on Sunday’s periscope. Did you watch?
America The Beautiful has rich colorful illustrations. I love reading this story during our study of the American Revolution. Amazon Affiliate links used.
What are your GO TOs for Social Studies in an elementary classroom?
You know when you read a book and you put it down and then you have a conversation in your head-like Man! That was a great book!??? Yep, that happened to with ALL of these. All four of these books are great for boys and girls.
*American Revolution
Just Fyi- Right now it’s #1 on the NY Best Seller List
*The 60’s
*Mature Content (Suggested 5th or 6th)
Such a wonderful story about Coney Island, Invention of the Stuff Teddy More and More
A Story about Bravery and Lessons Learned
GREAT for Gold Rush and Figurative Language Instruction
So funny and the kids will learn about the American Revolution
The Rainforest and More!
Do you know about this series? OMG! It is wonderful. Especially form my 3rd grade teacher followers. The BEST thing about these books is all grade levels can read them and learn new information. A lot of my fifth graders read these books. 🙂
It all started with WHO IS, but then came Who Was, Where Is and more! My teacher hearts gets so full when I go onto Amazon and see new ones coming out each week!
Here are some of my favorites:
Who is Jeff Kinney? (Coming Soon..August 18th)
At the end of the year, I asked my students which books were their favorites from different genres and subjects we had discussed this year. Here are their TOP 5 Historical Picks. If you asked me, I would have picked Sophia’s War and Prisoner B-3087.
Queen of Falls *Currently Out of Stock
What are your GO TOs for Social Studies in an elementary classroom?
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Our first unit will be historical fiction, specifically native Americans. Any suggestions?