Back To School Read Alouds From Sparkling Recommendations

I am so excited to have the lovely and talented Ashlyn from The Creative Classroom be a guest blogger for Back to School Reads.

Teacher read aloud is one of my favorite parts of my school day. I love being able to sit down with all my students nearby and share captivating books that tell such creative stories. I enjoy modeling reading fluency, expression and engaging my students in discussions about the books. The days that we run out of time and we don’t get to do read aloud, my students get so upset because we missed such an important part of enjoyable reading instruction. 
Teacher read aloud is a key component of reading instruction. It’s essential for students to listen to reading and engage in meaningful conversations. When choosing books for teacher read aloud, I keep in mind a variety of genres, authors, and book levels. As a primary teacher I choose stories that are fun but also purposeful. Sometimes the more serious stories have deeper meaning and teach a lesson that our children benefit from learning. 
I sat down and compiled a list of my favorite read alouds that I love sharing with my students each year! Each of these titles grab my student’s attention and build their love of reading by the amazing stories these authors write.
1. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
2. The B.F.G by Roald Dahl
3. The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling
4. My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
5. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo 
6. Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
8. Sarah Plain and Tall by Patricia McLachlan
10. Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner
Once I captivate my students with an amazing story, I try to engage their understanding by doing something with the read aloud story. I have found creating something meaningful, connects the story and helps build reading comprehension. This summer I created exactly what I wanted to do with my read alouds this upcoming year. I made interactive paper bag novel studies that students can make as they read or listen to stories in the classroom. These paper bag books will deepen their understanding but will also be a culminating activity that will showcase their reading comprehension. 
Once you’ve narrowed your title choices for teacher read aloud this year, make sure you come up with creative ways to engage your students with comprehension. Make it a goal to take teacher read aloud to the next level! You can find my paper bag novel studies in my TPT store and also find other creative read aloud ideas on Pinterest! Don’t let teacher read aloud be a time where you just sit down and read a book to them. Make the stories come to life and foster a love of reading in your students. 

Thank you for letting me share my love of reading and creativity in the classroom!
Hop on over to Jen’s blog to read the rest of our list!

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