Have you heard of Fish in a Tree? OMG, it is one of those books that just makes you come alive. It makes every teacher have goosebumps. This year Fish in a Tree is the Global Read Aloud book choice for the October Kick Off! You can learn more about how to sign up for the Global Read Aloud Here. It starts October 5th. My class will be joining in. I hope you do too!
I made this pledge button, because I believe every teacher should have to read this book. Yes, I want you to read it to your students, but YOU NEED TO READ IT LIKE NOW! 🙂 Take the pledge, download this button on your blog, instagram, classroom website, or whatever. By downloading this button, you are helping to spread the word of Teacher Moments and student triumphs. So many teachers make a difference lets continue to share in the glory.
One Comment
I signed up for Global Read Aloud a month ago.. sooooooo EXCITED!! My students are, too!! Reading a book that other kids in different countries are at the same time… powerful!! Where is Einstein clip art from? I think I want to use it with some Genius Hour activities.