Merry and Cheery Classroom Activities

Hey Everyone! I am super excited to sharing a few of my Holiday Classroom Ideas with Focused on Fifth. Through out December I will share some of must dos, reads, and more! This time of year is always filled with such cheery moments that I want to keep bottled up forever. There is something about Christmas Music that can make a bad day great in about 5 lyrics. I mean who doesn’t love a little Silent Night or Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

 Oh do I love figurative language! This year, I created a winter wonderland 8 day Figurative Language adventure for the kids. Each day they learn a new type of figurative language. As always, I read a picture book to set the scene, no I did not have an 900 igloo for them to sit in. (I SO WISH….seriously Kim and Hope are amazing, aren’t they!) Then I give a direct instruction lesson on the given element. Finally, the students take their knowledge and apply to a fun creative winter activity. For Metaphor, I read The Giving Tree. 
The extension activity the students will do- They will create a metaphor with a WINTER Word.
Example: Snowflakes are my mind during a staff meeting.
If you want a list of what books, I use when I teach figurative language check back during winter break. It’s on my to-do list. *Pinky Promise
 The Snow Shovel Award is used when students give evidence during reading. They must shovel out the good information. They write the information on the back. I use the Snow Shovel Award while we group read, Snowflakes Fall.
A Freebie from me! My kids absolutely love this activity. During the last week before Winter Break when everyone is antsy, we play musical chairs winter style. Each chair gets a card, you must solve and sit down before the music goes off.

I wish everyone a Merry and Cheery Holiday Season!

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  • I love the Snow Shovel Award idea!! Lots of awesome ideas, bet I can find a way to squeeze some in during SS/SC (departmentalized).


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