During the last week before Winter Break, we do dress up days. One of the days is Crazy Hair Day! Clearly, I’ve been preparing since I was a kid. I love these days because I think it builds community with in the school. The kids love when the teachers participate. Here is a picture from last year of the Winter Wonderland shenanigans.
I don’t know about you, but I love anticipation! It makes life more exciting. I created this Winter Break countdown for my class. If you are interested for the last 5 days, grab it in my TpT store.
I love teaching content with a winter twist. For the last two weeks before break, I do a figurative language unit. I have created a WINTER WONDERLAND figurative experience.
The figurative language sample is adorable!! Our kids in southern California have to really imagine the "cold" đŸ™‚ And your winter shenanigans outfit is too cute; I was waiting for a picture of crazy hair now as a teacher; lol!! Merry Christmas, Courtney!!
I bet the kiddos love your countdown!! I found a cute snowman in the dollar bin at Target to count down the days – I don't know who's more excited as we approach 1 – me or the kiddos!!!