Merry and Bright with Ramona Recommends

 During the last week before Winter Break, we do dress up days. One of the days is Crazy Hair Day! Clearly, I’ve been preparing since I was a kid. I love these days because I think it builds community with in the school. The kids love when the teachers participate. Here is a picture from last year of the Winter Wonderland shenanigans.
I don’t know about you, but I love anticipation! It makes life more exciting. I created this Winter Break countdown for my class. If you are interested for the last 5 days, grab it in my TpT store.
I love teaching content with a winter twist. For the last two weeks before break, I do a figurative language unit. I have created a WINTER WONDERLAND figurative experience.

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  • The figurative language sample is adorable!! Our kids in southern California have to really imagine the "cold" đŸ™‚ And your winter shenanigans outfit is too cute; I was waiting for a picture of crazy hair now as a teacher; lol!! Merry Christmas, Courtney!!

  • I bet the kiddos love your countdown!! I found a cute snowman in the dollar bin at Target to count down the days – I don't know who's more excited as we approach 1 – me or the kiddos!!!


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