Point of View

Are you looking for POINT of VIEW Picture Books to use with your UPPER GRADE classroom? You have found the place. I was introduced to this series many years ago when I browsing Amazon one night. I started with Honestly, Red Riding Hood was Rotten: The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, Told by the Wolf.
At first, I did not even buy it for Point of View, I just liked the title. Then, I started finding more like this. Of course, my teacher brain went crazy and I realized these would be great for POINT OF VIEW. I have linked all of the ones I have below. I did use my amazon affiliate link.
I use these books as mentor texts when teaching Point of View. Depending on the time given for this standard I might do the following.
A. Read a different one each day and analyze the perspective of each character.
B. Each group gets a different book and they have to create a poster pros and cons chart.
C. Same as above, but using compare and contrast double bubble map to point out both points of view.
I would love to know how you use them in your classroom? Share in the comment section.

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One Comment

  • I love these books for perspective! The students love them and think it is great to hear the other side of the story!


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