
As soon as February 1st hits, I get super excited. The colors of red and light pink just give me bliss. I find it important to always find happiness in the little things. I want to share with you one activity plus a few picture books that I use during the month of hearts.

I am all about parties, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes unstructured parties give me hives. I have realized over my years of teaching I do not handle unstructured chaos very well. I always need a plan. For my valentine’s day party, we eat, laugh, pass out valentines, and we always share the love. It all started with this picture book: Ten Things I Love About You.

I read them this book the day before our Valentine’s Day party to help them start thinking about reasons they love their classmates, school, teacher, parents, and friends.

During the party, each student has a big red heart cut out of red construction paper on their desk. Each student goes around and write one nice comment about their classmate. The comments bring me to tears what they write about each other. It brings life into perspective. Love truly does win. I do not have a picture of a real heart, but check my instagram soon for an example! 🙂

Did you watch me on Periscope today? Check out the books I heart for February 14th!
These are my favorite valentine’s day books.
Cute story about relationships and grandchildren, any Patricia Polacco book is a favorite of mine!
I love teaching song poetry with this little gem! It is the song One Love in story form.
I use this story to teach dead words or my favorite “why are we learning this” question. I read the story and then the kids have to write letters to end words they are not allowed to use in their writing. It is a hit and the kids love it! I also have used it when the kids ask me why we have to learn certain concepts, while they think they are unimportant, there is always a use for everything!
On the week of Valentine’s day, I read this each day and see how fast my students can get their morning materials prepared. Each day they get faster. If I finish reading the book before they are done, they owe me a class point, but they if finish I give out 2 points.
LOVE this series! 🙂
What is your favorite heart book in the month of February?
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