Will There Be a Shadow?

Whenever I think of Groundhog Day, I always think of Bill Murray’s movie, “Groundhog Day”. That is the way it goes. Here are three books you can use in your  classroom to share your love of groundhogs. Real Talk- I wonder if anyone’s favorite animal is a ground hog?

GroundHog’s Day Off– Auditions are held for the important job of the Groundhog.
Groundhog Weather School– Kids can learn how animals and plants can help humans predict the weather for future months.
Groundhog’s Dilemma-Groundhog makes his friends believe he can control the weather, but it backfires.
I have no lessons to go with books, except this lesson. Sometimes it is just good to stop the day and read a picture book to your class. Open the Magic and let the pictures and words make memories for your students. They will remember the day their teacher just stopped the main grind and let them be a kid.
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