If you don’t know, I love to sing and dance in my classroom. There is probably not a day that passes that I am not doing some cheer in my classroom. It is who I am. Luckily. most of my students have caught onto my vibe and chime in. I still have some wallflowers, but we are working on it! About a year ago, I was googling fun ways to learn. Literally, I typed in “fun ways to learn”. I know quite the professional google search terms. I was not impressed with my results until I landed on Flocabulary.com
Flocabulary.com is a website based learning program that engages students by song. The songs are done with a hip-hop vibe. The kids go nuts for the melodies and the content behind each song. It is guided for grades k-12. Flocabulary.com are always adding relevant and current topics.
They have EVERY subject and pretty much a video for anything you are teaching. In fifth grade Social Studies, there is everything from American Revolution, 5 Themes of Geography, and a 50 states Rap.
The songs are CATCHY! Yes, I am still singing the fraction rap from last week. Not only do they have raps, but they include activities to go with each video. Here is my favorite reading video and activity.
Use this as assessment activity or for a flipped homework assignment. The ideas are endless. Do what is best for your teaching style. Any way you use these videos in the classroom the kids are bound to learn. Give it a try!!!
Are you interested in Flocabulary? I am offering a 75 day FREE TRIAL for you to check out the AWESOMEness of Flocabulary. All you have to do is click the picture below to get started TODAY!
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The Week in Rap and "Keep, Change, Flip" are what our kids are rapping right now.