Meet Ramona Recommends

I’m Courtney from Ramona Recommends, a children’s literature lover,
who believes picture books are the perfect tool to OPEN THE MAGIC! I
teach 4th and 5th grade in Orange County, California. A proud owner of over 1,700 of my own children’s books. I am a member and cofounder of
#wecantputbooksdown. Come find us on Instagram. Use the hashtag
#wecantputbooksdown. Instagram account coming soon! My biggest
accomplishment to date is earning my B.A. in Elementary Education and my
M.S. in Education with an emphasis in Reading. No day is complete in my
classroom without singing, a 3 minute dance party, a children’s
literature sighting, and a proud moment. Don’t forget to OPEN THE
MAGIC. Want to connect on social media?
 Read about my visit to SCHOLASTIC HEADQUARTERS
Thank you so much for reading. I love sharing my passion for books with my readers. I hope that you find just one (lets be real… I hope you find LOTS of books) that will open the magic in your classroom. Ramona Recommends would not be what it is today without the support of my readers. Thank from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know how grateful I am you are here.
I have had the pleasure to meet so many wonderful children’s book authors through Whale of a Tale Bookshoppe, my masters program, and children’s literature fairs. #hugefan #keepemcoming

I would love to get to know about my readers. Share what grade you teach and your favorite books. I would love to add more to my WISH LIST.

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