#picturebookaday {Character Education}

Hi Reading Friends,

I am super excited to be back with you! Last school year, was AMAZING but was a whirlwind of combo crazy! For the next few weeks, I will be sharing what books I plan to use as part of my #picturebookaday

I am not sure if every upper grade is on my boat for picture books in the classroom, but I share hope one day you will join the party. Picture books are such a great resource to engage students and to teach life lessons. The first few weeks of school I like digging into my character education stack to teach and revisit important behaviors of a responsible 5th grader. The following books teach a different lesson that is vital for students to learn how to build relationships with their teacher and peers.

How I invision #picturebookaday working in my classroom….
Honestly, it really depends on the day. If you have followed me in the past you know I always try to find different ways to bring in picture books during my content lessons.

One of my favorite rules Mr. Ron Clark shared during my time at RCA was the 3 second rule. If he gave a student something (anything) and the child did not say THANK YOU within 3 seconds he would retrieve the something back no questions asked. I think it is so important for students or humans for that matter to always show appreciation for whatever they receive. This book Please, Mr. Panda shares the power of the word PLEASE in the world of #iwantwhatiwant.

The Secret Olivia Told Me shares a life lesson about secret telling. I intertwine this story into my rule lessons over the first couple days of school. We talk about the pros and cons of secret telling. Even in 5th grade, the kids need a good reminder of the power of secret. We know how kids can sometimes take a secret which turns into a lie…then a rumor. annnd then well sriracha sauce craziness!

Can I tell you? This book is one of my absolute FAVORITES.  Nerdy Birdy is my GO TO for the beginning of the year. This gem teaches students the power of acceptance and how to be a birdy in your own flock. I plan to read this story and then have each student write down an acceptance goal for the year. This goal can be a self or school goal.

I love the word kindness like A LOT. Teaching students the importance of kindness is key the first week of school. Holding the title of new kid more than once growing up, I understand what it feels like to move into new situations and dreading the awkward feeling of being the new kid. The Potato Chip Champ helps students discovery why kindness counts and why its important to always be kind. Here is how I teach kindness in my classroom. (contest over)

What books do you use to teach character education? I am always looking for great books! #youcanneverhaveenoughbooks
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  • Please keep doing posts like this throughput the school year!! I'm always looking for good suggestions of picture books for my 5th graders. I'm in for picture book a day!


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