My Top BookShelf

You know that special stack of books behind your desk that the kids are not allowed to touch or you might go a little cra cra. Yep, we all have that stack. Well I might have that huge stack nicely organized in my home office. I bring my books to read to the kids, but then they go straight home and put back in their place. #truth- They go in a pile on my office floor until the next day off and then I file them.
This week I did a meet and greet on my instagram page to reintroduce myself to new followers. #summerpd
I was so grateful learn that many 5th grader teachers following me on my instagram (ramonarecommends)
because I truly feel that picture books are essential in upper grade classrooms.
This year I plan to read even more picture books because:
1. They invite students into a positive learning environment
2. They teach hard to explain skills #directobject
3. They show students how to bring words alive on a page
4. They are awesome
5. Kids love being read to
6. Miss H loves them
Below are my TOP BOOKSHELF favorites. They teach a variety of lessons. I will be honest I use picture books mostly in
Character Edition, Language Arts and Reading
Now even though I have selected these books for 5th grade ANY upper grade teacher could you them. #promise
The Incredible Book Eating Boy is one of my new favorites because of the message each page shares. This book cheers students who love to dive into books and encourage reluctant readers. I plan to read this book on the first day to promote #picturebookaday
What is the number one concept we learned in student teaching? RELATE to your students. Well heck if these two books do not relate well then I don’t know what will. Selfies are all the rage and students speak in .com
Sometimes my picture books have no real lesson but more of a fun treat. #thereisalwayslessonineverybook
When I first saw Lifetime I didn’t love it, but then I opened it and started reading. Oh my! 5th grade teachers it is a GOOD one. It gives fun facts about different animals. Did you know a seahorse has 1,000 babies. Yes you read that correctly: ONE THOUSAND BABIES.
Oh! Ya’ll I CAN NOT wait to teach all about voting and election for this coming November. I am a very proud American and I find the whole election process intriguing. I plan to do a whole unit on presidents and the voting process. #willneedtofindtime
Stay tuned for a election picture book ideas. Coming to an instagram post near your iphone.
Amelia Bedila’s First Vote explains the voting process in student friendly words. Enough said, right.
Here are some fun titles other fellow 5th grade teacher said I should share with you:
Both books are by Patricia Polacco so you know the kids will be learning tons!
What are your go to picture books?
*I love all of these books and if you decide to purchase them through the links above I received a little something in return. Thank you!

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